Research Contracts
HESPRI (2023-2026)
Details: The project Elevating Higher Education public policies: an empowering SPRIngboard – HESPRI is funded under the Horizon Europe programme, Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions (MSCA) – Staff Exchanges, call HORIZON-MSCA-2021-SE-01
Description: The HESPRI project aims to outline some innovative strategies for strengthening higher education policies in the sense of increasing competitiveness, based on the two major forces that have marked the development of contemporary universities: the humanistic traditions of governance and the neo-liberal reforms of the last thirty years. The research responds to major challenges in the international academic space such as quality assessment in higher education, measurement systems of scientific performance at institutional and individual level, digital transformation.
Collaborations in mobility and cooperation contracts
Research & Innovation forCities & Citizens - RI4C2 (2021-2024)
Details: Research & Innovation for Cities & Citizens (RI4C2) funded by the Horizon 2020 program, takes place between September 2021 and August 2024. The project was submitted by the European Campus for City-Universities (EC2U) and is coordinated by the University of Poitiers, France and implemented by the seven member universities of the EC2U, extending its activities to research and innovation. The RI4C2 project is based on several important recent initiatives supported or developed by the European Commission in the fields of the Knowledge square, composed of Education, Research, Innovation and Service to society: these components are also the core missions of the universities participating to this project.
Development of the institutional capacity of the “Alexandru Ioan Cuza” University of Iași-UAIC-INOV-IMP2 (2021-2024)
Details: Supporting the competitiveness in research-development and innovation by developing the institutional capacity of the „Alexandru Ioan Cuza” University from Iași-UAIC-INOV-IMP2 is funded by PNCD III. The beneficiary of the project is the “Alexandru Ioan Cuza” University of Iași.
Description: The general objective of the UAIC-INOV-IMP2 project is to support the Strategic Institutional Development Plan of the “Alexandru Ioan Cuza” University of Iași in order to increase the innovation capacity and institutional performance, competitiveness and impact of research by funding excellence. The project aims to increase the RDI capacity at the UAIC level by: (1) Consolidating the international recognition of the university for quality in research by facilitating the valorization and dissemination of research results through publication in Clarivate Analytics indexed journals; (2) Strengthening the RDI infrastructure/developing the University’s RDI capacity by acquiring new research infrastructures and by modernizing the existing infrastructure; (3) The improvement of researchers by organizing specialization courses and by carrying out mobilities in research institutions in the country and abroad.
Research contracts
Research As A Service – Iași (RaaS-IS) (2020-2023)
Details: Research As A Service – Iași (RaaS-IS) funded by the Competitiveness Operational Program 2014-2020, Priority Axis: 1. Research, technological development and innovation (RDI) in support of economic competitiveness and business development, Area of intervention – 058 Research infrastructures and innovation (public). The beneficiary of the project is the “Alexandru Ioan Cuza” University of Iasi.
Description: The aim of the project is to develop research and development and innovation by creating a cloud center and massive data infrastructure (RaaS-IS center) to provide resources and services for storage, processing and analysis of large data for the academic community, institutions research and research teams from organizations and companies in the area of Iasi and northeastern Moldova.
PrivateSky (2016-2021)*
Details: POC-A1-A1.2.3-G-2015, P_40_371, Dezvoltare experimentală în parteneriat public privat pentru crearea de platforme cloud autohtone cu caracteristici avansate de protecție a datelor - Tip de proiect - Parteneriate pentru transfer de cunoștințe
Description: The main objective of PrivateSky project is the transfer of information towards the IT industry. The information is the result of the research carried out by Computer Science Faculty from "Alexandru Ioan Cuza" University of Iași (UAIC). The new idea promoted by this project is applied thanks to the use of an innovative Cloud architecture relying on executable choreographies meant to develop new technologies, tools and methods to develop the software in cloud. The objective of the project is reached through the establishment of a PaaS (Platform as a Service) platform, entitled PrivateSky, in collaboration with at least 6 SME companies (small and medium-sized enterprises), software developers interested in using the above mentioned technologies. During the entire project, there should be mixed teams of both UAIC researchers and specialists in IT, trying to shape the "ecosystem" meant to meet the views of the market's requirements.
*in collaboration with IT&C industry
SIMAPS (2014-2015)*
Details: Sistem de monitorizare si asistenta pentru persoanele cu nevoi speciale, Programul Operational Sectorial „ Cresterea Competitivitatii Economice (POSCCE), Nr. 104/17.11.2014
Description: The UAIC team was responsible for integrating the patients' monitoring modules with the data management module, as well as providing the system operability in cloud.
*in collaboration with IT&C industry
roGSEM (2012-2013)
Details: PN II CI 168 – Cloud semantic engine for governmental heterogeneous information from multiple data sources
Description: The UAIC team has created a cloud platform based on semantic processing technologies. The platform was developed in partnership with an industrial entity and it has provided real time information on Romanian government regulations from official sources.
StarWorth (2007-2008)
Details: Grant for Young Researchers, Type: Human Resource (TD-160, 2007-2008)
TELEMON (2007-2010)
Details: PC-D 10 067 / 14.09.2007 "TELEMON - Advanced Real-Time System for Telemonitoring of Patients" - Partnership Program (PNCDI PN II) Research Grant
Structural Funds Projects
CompetIT&C (2014-2015)
Details: POSDRU ID. 138873, project "Programe de studii flexibile si competitive pentru IT&C in Regiunea de Dezvoltare Nord-Est" (CompetIT&C)
POSDRU/87/1.3/S/51391 (2010-2013)
Details: POSDRU ID 51391 (Human Resources Development Operational Program), "Interregional Training Network in e-learning system for teachers from the preuniversitary education", Prority Axis 1, Key Area of Intervention 1.3
POSDRU ID 31367 (2009-2011)
Details: POSDRU ID 31367, project "Practical training and activities to stimulate the insertion in the labor market for students and graduates"
Stagii pe Bune (2010-2011)
Details: POSDRU ID 3405 project - "Stagii pe BUNE" - Parteneriat național pentru implementarea proiectelor firme facultă i în vederea tranzi iei de la scoală la via a activă (pact)-
Collaborations in research contracts
MUCKE (2012-2015)
Details: ERA-NET 2 CHIST-ERA/01.10.2012, Partners: Austria, Franta, Turcia; Project Title: MUKE - Multimedia and User Credibility Knowledge Extraction
CNCSIS Grant Ideas ID 1146 (2010)
Details: "Reducing Benefits in sports activities on school violence", Faculty of Physical Education and Sport, Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences, Al. I. Cuza University of Iasi, CNCSIS Grant Ideas ID 1146, Project Manager Prof. PhD. Ioan Iacob
PN2 1083 (2009-2010)
Details: "Alternative Security Technologies for Distributed Applications", project ideas PN2 1083, Technical University of Cluj Napoca, Project Manager Prof. PhD. Eng. Mircea-F. Vaida
Collaborations in mobility and cooperation contracts
Erasmus+ (2014-2020)
Details: Mobility Project for Higher Education Students and Staff with Partner Countries
IANUS II (2013-2017)
Details: Inter-Academic Network Erasmus Mundus II
EMERGE (2011-2014)
Details: Erasmus Mundus European Mobility with Neighbouring Region in the East
EDEN (2012-2014)
Details: Erasmus Mundus Academic Network – EDEN (Erasmus Mundus Action 2)
IANUS (2012-2016)
Details: Inter-Academic Network Erasmus Mundus – IANUS (Erasmus Mundus Action 2)