Title: Conversational User Interface for visually impaired people
In colaboration with Matei Madalin
Starting with everyday activities such as taking a walk at the outside environments, use of different public transportation methods or even buying different goods, visually impaired people need to put in a considerable effort to complete these so-called trivial tasks for sighted people. Given this, according to WHO (World Health Organization) it is estimated that there are at least 2.2 billion people who have a near or distance vision impairment. This paper presents an ongoing project that aims at safely moving visually impaired people to points of interest using by creating Electronic Orientation Aids (EOA) that provides feedback by a conversational user interface. Starting with the first part, in which the main components of the system and the main functionalities are presented, the second part presents the results obtained after a series of preliminary tests carried out in our city with the help of visually impaired people. The application is promising, being enthusiastically received by those who tested it, because it offers them safety and independence when travelling through the city.
Title: Data sovereignty in a collaborative editor based on the P2P paradigm
In colaboration with Vlad Cirstean
This editor was created with all these shortcomings in mind. It combines P2P technology with a storage system always available to all users, a system called EDFS. It is part of the Privatesky network, a network of nodes that validates a public blockchain, common to them. EDFS archives the data and stores it using various cloud technologies, but ensuring their encryption and user access to them. Thus, the latest version of a document will always be available, even in the absence of other online users at that time, and the changes in real time will spread in the P2P manner. In addition, reading or modifying a file in EDFS can be done with access to a SEED, which is actually the cryptographic hash of the content used to identify the archive, along with the symmetric content encryption key. In this way, data can be saved anywhere, even in a public Bucket, but access to the content is reserved for the owner only. Multiple users can collaborate if they receive access to a document's SEED.
Title: Sandboxing techniques
In colaboration with Ștefan-Cosmin Romanescu
The following paper presents a system that brings sandboxing techniques to an environment compatible with Node.js. Specifically, this system offers the ability to run existing applications written in JavaScript in an environment similar to an isolated container that can interact with the host machine only through restrictive APIs to ensure control over operations performed and with restrictions on available computing resources.
Title: Transfer of medical data in DICOM format using PrivateSky technology
In colaboration with Păiuș Paraschiv-Cătălin
With the help of the application, the medical staff, from different medical institutions, will be able to transfer imaging data in due time, without the patient having to repeat the investigations already performed at one of the previous medical institutions. In this way, the waiting time for a diagnosis will be reduced, there will be no need to transport the imaging results by the patient, and the patient will not be irradiated several times for the same type of investigation. A plus of this application is that doctors can easily have a history of patients, they can observe the progress or regression of a disease during investigations. The application uses PrivateSky 1 technology to manage communication between doctors of different medical institutions through a notification system, namely a blockchain developed with smart contract technology, but also that of Cloud Safe Boxes (virtual wallets that store encrypted imaging data), also part of PrivateSky technology. In this way, confidentiality is guaranteed according to the legislation in force (GDPR, national legislation, internal regulations).
Title: InterPlanetary File System. H.O.L.D.I.N
In colaboration with Cristea Alexandru Gabriel
H.O.L.D.I.N it is a mobile application (Android) that wants to solve the problem of access to the global Internet and telephony network using one of the latest protocols in the field of file sharing systems, the Interplanar Filesystem. The latter wants to "take the best" of other protocols and technologies and merge them into a new, modern protocol that could revolutionize the Internet in the future as we know it.
Title: Operations on encrypted data at the ORM level in the context of encrypted choreographies
In colaboration with Bogdan Ioana Maria
The suggestion of this paper is to modify as intrusive as possible how to operate databases by encrypting sensitive data so as to minimize the risk of private data being copied illegally by database administrators or by Attackers exploiting security breaches. In order not to diminish the efficiency of databases, the proposal involves a practical solution whereby a series of queries will be executed on the server directly on encrypted data, thus reducing the attack area on these sensitive data. Compared to other existing approaches, the described contribution consists of modifying an Object-relational mapping (ORM) and the new encryption password management mode.
In colaboration with Cezar Manea
In this prototype we aim to develop a private environment where the user can safely manage and synchronize all his home devices. The solution consists in designing and deploying a private network with the following features:
- third-party service query to determine the reputation of accessed domains and blocking them if they represent a threat
- record and generate statistics to create an overview of emerging events, and last but not least, provide tools for managing the platform
Title: SafePi
In colaboration with Ștefan Cenușă
We are currently witnessing an increased interest in distributed systems, and in particular, cloud computing based architecture. The implementations are diverse and tailored to specific market problems. So, most large companies are turning to their own solutions to solve security, scalability, and service integration issues. Bitdefender's cloud, hosts over 300 services that respond to at least 80000 requests per second, and running them in normal parameters is a must. Because of the monitoring need of a security company, this paper aim to investigate the implementation of swarm, to develop a secure and reliable service solution based on the SwarmESB opensource platform.